It’s the first day I caught myself. Committing all my spare time (during my child's naps) to trying to close out tasks. Ones that were created by me AND my hubby. I’m exhausted from my day looking after my baby.
I turned on the TV to enjoy another episode of The Wire before I found my mind going over the task list again. And again. Planning out which of the naps I would tackle what task...
Before Christmas, I will get through all my presents.. one by one during each nap.
Once Christmas is over, then I will work on the wedding albums (which have been left undone for 3 years now).
Once those are done… THEN I will have open time to do whatever I want during nap times.
No, no. That’s not how it works. That is the same dialogue of needing things to be fully closed before doing what I REALLY want to do.
So I turned off the TV and opened up this page.
I only got one paragraph in before my child awoke. A 30 minute nap instead of the anticipated hour long nap.
Oh well. Mom time it is. And any writing is good writing.
Off I go... until the next nap gap I get in my time.